My most used & loved newborn & mama essentials

If you haven’t noticed, social media can be a dangerous quicksand that can quickly pull you in to feeling like you need to purchase all the products; most of which you likely don’t actually need. And they all pull you right in because who can resist anything baby right? But, everything adds up (and piles up) and I guarantee you that a lot of what you buy will end up collecting dust.

I have always lived by the motto, “Less is more”, and if you can relate to that, then this is for you.

Don’t kill the messenger here, but you do NOT need half of the stuff you see out there. Newborns are simple really. You can really get by for a while on just diapers, wipes, some clothes, and a place to sleep. The rest you’ll figure out as you go as you learn about your own unique needs and your baby’s. Think of how many women came before you who had just the basics and nothing else. I think there’s something SO beautiful in that, don’t you?

Before I share what’s on my list, I actually want to share a few mama essentials, because really those should come first. With so much emphasis on baby, moms too often get overlooked, but your needs are far too important to be an after-thought.

So, here are some postpartum mama essentials that have made me feel more human and cared for amid the fog that is motherhood (especially in the very beginning):



Who doesn’t love flowers? They make everything more beautiful and receiving them and seeing them in your home feels great after having a baby especially.


Nursing has always made me 10x more hungry and thirsty than pregnancy, so snacks are key to keep the ‘hangry’ at bay. Here are a few of my favs that gave me absolute comfort and warmth.

Justin’s dark chocolate PB cups
Greek Yogurt w/ fresh fruit and granola
Lavender London Fog Tea


Think warm, calm, candlelit bath soaks to clear your mind and relax those sore muscles.


Postpartum is a time of healing, rest, and bonding with your baby. Don’t feel like you need to impress a single person or look a certain way. Find something comfortable you can wear everyday that will be gentle on everything that hurts, give yourself a lot of grace, and take it easy.

Here’s a gorgeous washable silk set that would be pretty for a newborn session too - Lunya Washable Silk Loungewear Set


Okay, for the first week, sure you kind of need them, but after, give me something that doesn’t feel like a diaper. Ha! But really. There’s many out there; these have been great for me.

Cora Overnight Pads


I never knew what skincare products could do for your face because I’ve never had issues with my skin; that is until I became pregnant and had babies. My hormones went on quite the trip over the years, so I invested in this amazing local to me company (MN/WI) and will never look back. This is the ultimate self care. There’s just something about a fresh face. I am not being paid to say this. The feeling of a fresh face, especially during the postpartum season (and anytime really) keeps you feeling refreshed in a time when you need it.

Santosha Co Products


If you plan to nurse this is a MUST. Every single nurse I have ever come across with all three babies have suggested this to me and for good reason too. It’s magic.

Motherlove nipple cream



Babies can be the darn hardest to dress. They are so itty that so much just ends up not fitting them well. And not to mention most babies don’t like being changed anyways.

My absolute favorite piece for the first few months is this: the kimono gown.

So easy and quick to get on and off, which is especially nice for all those diaper changes. So comfy I kind of wish I had one for myself!

A favorite brand of mine?

Bacabuche Kimono Wrap


I’ve bought each of my babies their very own special blanket they can hopefully take with them someday. All light enough to wrap them in, lay them on, and cover them in during car rides. You truly don’t need a million blankets/swaddles. Find one you really love that can be passed down and let that be enough.

A few gorgeous blankets:

Disana Wool Baby Blanket
August River Co Knit Blanket
Zara Home Cotton Knit Blanket
Zara Home Cashmere Blanket


Whether soft or more structured, baby carriers are my TOP essential product. So many memories have been gifted to me because of these carriers. I will be forever grateful for them. And not only has it given me closeness and benefited my babies greatly as well, but it has eased anxiety and postpartum blues which is the greatest gift of all. It also gave me both hands to play with my other children as my family grew and get other tasks done around the house.

This wrap style in particular has felt the most secure and snug to me over the years (and was my very first baby carrier when my firstborn arrived almost 8 years ago now). I have found these to be the best when they are itty and don’t have much control over their movements yet. My second favorite is the ring sling (so easy to get on and off) as your baby get’s bigger and even into toddlerhood.

Below is a brand that carries both!

Heritage baby carriers


I’m so bummed I never knew about these when my first was born. Being able to have your baby right next to you and having that peace of mind that they are safe is everything. Especially being a c-section mama, this was one of the best purchases ever. Not having to move much to feed in the middle of the night not only has gave me more sleep, but also comfort in knowing they were safe right next to me.

Snuggle Me Organic


Last, but not least. This. SO much spit up, poo stains, etc. This has saved many many clothes over the years.

Congratulations mama! Hopefully this guide is helpful as you navigate preparing for your baby.

Key reminder: You don’t need everything. As long as you have a healthy and happy mama and a few basic things, you’ll have everything you need and figure out the rest along the way.



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